Are You Scared? 5 Ways to Get Over it and Get Noticed

You know what scares me? Heights. I’ll get on an escalator or an airplane (although I white knuckle it during take off and landing), but you’ll never get me to jump out of a plane, off a bridge, or dance on the side of a building.

BANDALOOP Dance, a pioneer in vertical dance performance, has redefined this art form by taking the dance floor and turning it on its side. (photo courtesy of Atossa Soltani )

According to its mission statement, “BANDALOOP honors nature, community, and the human spirit through perspective-bending (and I would add mind-blowing) dance.”

Entrepreneurs can be so afraid of the unknown that they won’t turn the dance floor on its side. Does this sound like you? In order to Get R.E.A.L (realistic, engaging, authentic, long-lasting) and get noticed, you have to be willing to look at your business from a completely different angle.

Here are five ways to get over the fear that’s holding you back from R.E.A.L success:

1. Be a resource for information – Consumers are starving for knowledge, so give it to them. They will soak it up like a sponge and then show their gratitude by sharing it with everyone they know. Post interesting articles on your blog, offer to write guest posts on other blogs, put together a newsletter. Do whatever you have to in order to keep them coming back for more.

2. Stop selling and start serving – I promise you, a prospective customer can smell a sales pitch a mile away. It doesn’t matter how creatively you package it. A sales pitch is still a sales pitch. Instead, hang out on your social media networks and listen (really listen)  to what they’re saying. Chances are they’ll mention a problem in the hopes that someone will recommend a solution. (That would be you.) Also, post a question on your blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter  pages. Use the answers as content for an upcoming blog post or newsletter and then send it out over social media to the ones you featured. In turn, they will share it with their networks (everyone loves to be promoted) and you’ll gain new prospects. Check out my question as an example.

3. Be grateful – How do you thank your customers? Let them know how much you appreciate them by delivering superior customer service, listening to their needs, and being responsive. Feature a contest on your social network where they send in photos or videos of them using your product or service. You’ll get ready-made testimonials and they’ll feel the love.

4. Be vulnerable – This may sound counter-intuitive, but I don’t mean this in the sense of being weak or everyone’s doormat. I mean being so grounded in what your business stands for that you will not compromise. Dr. Brené Brown, author of Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead says vulnerability is about being all in. “It’s a willingness to show up, be seen and take chances,” she says. A friend recently started a coaching business, which evolved during the healing process of a difficult and abusive childhood. I suggested that she use her “story” to help clients connect with her. She said that she would be too afraid that her father (and abuser) would see it on Facebook and be upset. Don’t allow someone else’s baggage to hold you back.

5. Start with who you know – A lot of entrepreneurs I talk  to are living in “a field of dreams”. They figure that if they “build it” (have a great product or service) “they will come” ( the customers will be beating a path to their door).  When that doesn’t happen, they either go out of business or limp along, never gaining the traction they need to take off. Who is going to talk you up better than anyone? Friends, family, and current business associates. Leverage it! Word of mouth is one of the most effective forms of PR. Add in the power of social media and you have “word of mouth ” on steroids. Give them a reason to talk about you and then let them do their thing. They love you and want you to succeed.

As do I.

Please let me know what scares the @#$%^ out of you. Together, we can find the solution.

Thank you for sharing this space with me.

 Robin Taney, (aka the “Get R.E.A.L Girl”) is the owner and founder of Studio 4 PR .  She works with creative, independent, and “kitchen table” entrepreneurs who are highly motivated to be found by their perfect client. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, and sign up for her newsletter, Get R.E.A.L.  You are welcome to use this post on your blog, provided you do not alter it in any way and include a link to this blog.