Create Your Own Community and Grow More than Revenue

woman-showing-achievment-150x150When I started running regular group programs to teach women how to grow their businesses, my top concern was providing a ton of value. What I did not know at the time was that there was huge value in something I did not even create. What sprouted up without my carefully crafting it was an incredible community of like-minded women entrepreneurs. This was more valuable than any content I could teach.

The value of a group program exponentially multiplies when the people in it have a strong sense of belonging to a community. The participants cultivate friendships, become each other’s clients and referral partners, and quickly start to support each other in a variety of ways. This quantifiably increases the amount of value they receive from the group.

There is a myth those of us who love learning tend to buy into; that is the myth that seminars can create lasting change. Do not be fooled. Seminars create awareness and learning, and that is a start. To create lasting change that sticks and comes with less struggle, a few other pieces of the puzzle must be present. In addition to awareness, you also need on-going guidance, structure, support, accountability and community. When these are all present, lasting change can blossom and spread.

Creating community in your business can happen organically when you do it consciously. Here are a few steps to get you started:

  1. Consider what the purpose of your community is. It could be to create friendships, to grow businesses, to help everyone become healthier, or have better relationships.
  2. Get clear on the structure of your gatherings. Will they be once a week, once a month, or once a quarter?
  3. Figure out how to stay connected when you are not together. Start a Facebook group, have a tele-call once a week, or set up a message board.

These are a few ideas to get you started. Do not wait. Start today and watch your business, your heart and your bank account become vastly enriched with your own community.