Create Your Space

OfficeI used to think that I could work anywhere, the kitchen table, the couch, the bed. I came to realize very quickly how critical an actual desk and more importantly an actual door were to my productivity. If I looked back at those moments where I really struggled to get something done or felt like I just wanted to throw in the towel I know the vast majority of those times were before I had an actual office. I know that having a space all your own to work and feel creative may not always be possible all of the time, but I do believe we can always find that place for some of the time.

Something I found when I first became an entrepreneur working from home that allowed me to feel like I had a space of my own was a piece of furniture that was a convertible desk.  When I wasn’t working it looked like a nice piece of furniture in our home, when I was working all the doors were wide open and my computer, along with papers, were all over the desktop. It always felt good having those doors open and working in the space I had created.

Now that I have an office with a door it feels right for where I am because I created a space that works for me. My office used to be my daughter’s room and there is still much of her I’ve kept in that room, like the purple walls and some of her paintings. I think those things make it as much my space as anything I brought in there.

So there are 3 questions you should ask yourself when it comes to creating your space….

  1. Does it feel good to be in the space?
  2. Does it have enough room for you to be productive and creative?
  3. Does it create a sense of “this is mine”?

Keep at it until you can answer yes to all 3 questions- happy creating.