5 Tips For Staying Motivated

Whether you choose to stay motivated to exercise, to laugh more, to increase your profit, to be more present in your intimate relationships the key is to keep your energy at a high enough level to keep moving toward your goal.

How you do this is to recognize any distractions vying for your attention. See if you can identify what drains and distracts your energy. Usually it’s the quality of your conversation, such as sabotaging beliefs, limiting thoughts or an old story that needs to be reframe.

  • Tip #1 Invest in a coach to support you in your breakdown to your breakthrough.
    My coach Lisa Nichols always says, “hook your caboose you someone ten steps ahead of you.” You are here and you want to go – there. This is a way for you to get there. I’m a coach and I have several coaches on my team who hold me accountable to my dream. They help me modify any expectations or frustrations with clarity and it keeps my energy focused on what I need to do.
  • Tip #2 Harness the power of your thoughts.
    I heard this many years ago and have not forgotten it: you are the thinker who thinks the thoughts that creates the things in your life. Simply put, it’s your thoughts that are impacting your motivation. Have you noticed your unmonitored thoughts compare you to others; or question whether you know what you’re doing. The thoughts you think to yourself, matter and the good news is that you have complete total control and power over them.
  • TIP #3 Tap into your vision & intention.
    You made the decision. You declared it within, maybe told friends and colleagues and took action. BRAVO! You felt compelled to step into a grander version of yourself! Your vision is your clarity; your intention is your power and both must become palpable. You want to hold your vision within your awareness and your intention in your heart as your defining purpose.
  •  Tip #4 Take A Pit Stop
    Tired. Worried and overwhelm, where do you go? Where is your refilling station? If you don’t have one, now would be the time to create it. The key to this strategy is having it in place before you really need it because by the time you need it, it’s too late. We want to serve from our overflow. Remember, it’s a pit stop and not an overnight stay. You pull in to get your spirit lifted, your vibration elevated, your funny bone tickled, your energy flowing and your vision renewed and keep it moving.
  • Tip #5 Take Inspired action.
    Have you ever had a hunch or a feeling, tingling that you should do something but you didn’t do it, only to find out later that it was something for you to take action on.
    This is something that happens all the time but what makes the difference between people who achieve the results they seek and those who don’t –  are those people who take inspired action. Be on the look out for hunches, your intuition. Listen, trust it and take inspired action.

Stay motivated,

Rev. Jenenne