Celebrating 60! The Best Present of All!

christmas giftAt the end of July I celebrated my 60th birthday. It was one of those milestone markers in life where we are likely to stop and assess where we’re at vs. where we thought we would be or want to be. That was certainly the case for me.

As my birthday week started, I was occupied with mental check lists and aspirations of what I would get done. I was going to be with my daughter helping her family move into their new home. But first I had a meeting with one of my inner circle master mind groups. That was a fortuitous event that shifted everything that followed.

Here are two life principals shared by our members that shifted my reflections:

  1. Regardless of how we got to where we are, we have to own being there.
  2. Our personal “why” in our life and work will always be our most powerful.

If you look up the word present in the dictionary, it has what at first glance are different meanings:

  • Here
  • Happening now
  • A gift

I’ve come to think of these explanations as the merged meaning of the word creating the best present of all: Wherever we are and whatever is happening is a gift.

So as I reflected on the milestone, the verdict was that I am not in way where I thought I would be. The verdict was also that I’m exactly where I should be and in that respect I can find contentment. It felt exactly right. It was in fact, the very best gift. Since my family is my personal “why” for all that I do and want to achieve, it all came together in a memorable way.

This a powerful lesson to take forward. Regardless of where we are, let’s celebrate each moment of our life as a gift of time, be present and make the difference only we can make.

Live (celebrate) today like you want tomorrow to be. Live (celebrate) well.