Are You Ready … Quick Tips for Get Organized Month – Part 2

Do you find yourself overwhelmed in your office? Miss deadlines? Think you’re completing less work than you Sandy S pic2should? Generally frustrated by all the paper and constant email? If you are, there’s a special day set aside for you. Monday, January 11 – the second Monday in January, is National Clean Off Your Desk Day. No time like the present to get started!

  • Think of your desk as Prime Real Estate Space. Clear your desk of clutter, keeping only the essentials needed to perform your job. Arrange other items within an arm’s length. On my desk are my computer, post-its, a pen and pencil holder. All other items–stapler, paper clips, tape, rubber bands, etc.–are within my reach. It is so easy to get distracted

  • Eliminate Distractions. Eliminating distractions makes a huge difference in our getting it done, whatever the “it” is. If you find that you are easily distracted, only have one project or task on your desk. Close all the screens on your computer except the one you are working with.
  • Change your focus. If you find you have difficulty staying focused in your office, try to arrange your desk so you are not facing the doorway, thereby reducing interruptions. Make sure you have the lighting you need.
  • Have a specific place (physical or electronic) for specific types of documents:
    • bills to be paid
    • items requiring action
    • things to be read.

The goal is to spend time doing the task, not preparing for the job and hunting for the tools and supplies.

  • Create a functional filing system that works for you and USE it. Determine whether color-coded labels, folders, binders, and/or software will best meet your needs.   Retrieval is the word — the only reason for keeping something is to retrieve it. We never look at 80% of the information we keep.
  • Use only one day planner, either on paper or computer. Keep track of all activities, appointments, and projects, personal or business, in this one calendar system. Avoid frustration and embarrassment discovering you promised to be two places at the same time.

Consider implementing just one or two of these tips this week. You’ll be amazed at the difference it will make in your workday and business.