How to MAXIMIZE Productivity when Your Office Is at Home. Part 2

Now that you have clarity on why to have an office/business from home, the next step to maximize your productivitytechnolgydelegate is to establish when to push the reset button. What I have found with many of my clients is that once the adrenaline is flowing, it’s hard to stop.

The feeling is great, in the beginning. You’re at “your best,” effortlessly accomplishing your highest revenue-generating activity, usually making calls or coaching, and then you hit a wall. Instead of stopping, you tell yourself you’ll try harder and dig deeper, because you can’t stop. But for productivity, you must stop. 

You must push your reset button to avoid overwhelm, frustration, and minimal to no productivity. It’s as simple as “I am at my best until 3:00 p.m.” Or “I’m at my best for coaching or writing copy for two hours.” Knowing this about yourself, you schedule an alert which will signal that you need to push the reset button to be productive.

What that looks like is getting out of your office. To be effective, you want to include this practice as part of setting yourself up for success by identifying in advance what will refuel you. The goal is an activity that will totally shift your thinking, energy, and body. For example, dancing, a walk in nature, a scheduled lunch with a friend. I have one client who colors to relax and stimulate her creativity.

The goal is to reset your flow and honor your value. The secret to increased productivity is taking a break; you are pushing your internal button to reset.

In part three we’ll explore the final element that supports your maximum productivity, . To support you in this process of being successful, I invite you to register for the