Morning Rituals to Change your Life Part 5

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve talked about how to wake up in the flow in the mornings.  Today let’s talk aboutLaughman_TIW_December 2015_Article 2_Room for More how to energize your body to get going in the morning.


By the time you wake up, your body has hopefully been sleeping for many hours and it feels depleted.  Rehydrating it immediately will help to re-energize it.  A great habit to get into is to leave a glass of water by your bedside when you go to sleep at night.  By morning it will be at room temperature.  Then, right as you get out of bed just drink the whole glass of water.  Since it is at room temperature, it won’t shock your body and you will feel re-energized immediately.


I’m sure you have heard a lot about how breath can be used in a multitude of ways to affect your energy and emotions.  From my perspective, the importance of breath cannot be overstated.  It is a fast, easy way to energize your body and uplift your mood in the morning.   

You can start by doing something as simple as the Ocean Breath.  It is super easy and calming, yet energizing. Take deep, slow, long, active inhales through your nose and let the exhale out naturally and passively through your mouth. Close your eyes and notice how this creates the sounds of rolling waves on a beach.  Repeat this breath at least 10 times.

If you want a more energizing breath, try the Breath of Fire.  Start by panting like a dog with an open mouth. Then, close your mouth and continue the panting breath through the nose. Do two or three sets of 10 breaths to start, pausing between the sets and taking deep breaths. This technique brings oxygen to the brain and helps you wake up and feel more alert.

What’s next?

Take a look again at the rest of the things you do in your morning.  How are they serving you? How can they serve you more?  If you want to add some things into your morning schedule, don’t get overly ambitious by adding too much too fast.  Add a few things at a time and then let them become a habit.  Then add a few more.  Be wary of things that add big chunks of time to your morning routine.  Add those in only when you are seeing the results you like so you stay motivated to stick with the routine no matter what.  Try this for a month and see how your life starts to shift.  See how much more bliss you can experience.

I know many of us don’t really have time to think about eating in the morning.  But next week I’m going to share how to add a fast, nutritious, energizing breakfast into your routine that will support you as you get going on your day.