Is Texting an Appropriate Way to Communicate With Customers?

It’s hard not to notice how texDebbie M graphic print article 2ting has become the method of communication among virtually everyone with a cell phone. We used to send messages to our spouses, children and friends, but is it an effective way to speak to your customers? This is something that we are going to have to address as it becomes a more common method of communication.

Many people feel that texting is a more convenient and time-saving way to communicate. While it may be faster, there is still value in actually speaking with someone. Sometimes, those few minutes saved can lead to a client feeling unvalued and not worth the time that it would take to make a call.

Phone Call = Communication
Texting = Communication
Phone Call + Texting = Better Communication

It is also common for meanings and tone to get lost in a text message. It can be extremely difficult to distinguish the tone or the actual meaning unless you know that person extremely well. It is far too easy for text messages to be misunderstood or taken in the wrong tone. If you want your message to be understood clearly, and without any misunderstanding, speak to a person. This ensures that the true meaning of your message is understood and not lost in translation.

Texting may also come across as cold and unfriendly, which is not an effective way to establish a connection with a client. Speaking to someone over the phone allows them to connect, hear the type of person you are and build a level of trust with you. When someone can hear your personality over the phone, they are more likely to trust you and feel that you are someone who is capable of ensuring their needs are met.

Texting used in conjunction with other communication like the phone can be very powerful! And be sure and watch your spelling!