How Do You Handle Acknowledgement?

Andrea Woolf Article 3 graphic How Do You Handle AcknowledgementHave you noticed how complicated people get when it comes to both giving and receiving acknowledgement?

It is more common to notice the negative and comment on that, rather than what is good and great about each other. And when acknowledgement is given, it is rarely openly received, especially by us women.

How often have you thought of acknowledging someone who stepped up, or went the extra mile, or who was there for you in some special way – and then you could not quite find the words, or the moment passed?How many times have people in your life attempted to acknowledge you for being the amazing woman you are, and for the difference you make – and you deflected, saying, “Oh, it was nothing” or “Don’t be silly, that’s what friends are for.”

Giving acknowledgement is amazingly easy and it is free. All it takes is to think about what is great about the other person, how they have contributed to your life or your business, and then express it out loud to them as follows: “I want to acknowledge you for ___________________.”

Acknowledgement transforms lives. It is that powerful.

Receiving acknowledgement is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give yourself, just by letting it in. See yourself with your arms outstretched, smiling, and ready to receive. By graciously letting it in, when you acknowledge others, they in turn will receive yours. You are honoring the Law of Reciprocity, and completing the flow by being willing to receive.
Imagine whose life you can brighten simply by acknowledging them. Now go do it!