3 Ways to Collaborate to Get More Clients

executive-534416_1920We continue our focus on collaboration. There are a lot of different ways to embrace it in your business. Here are three super tips to embrace:

Cross Promote

What businesses compliment yours? If you are a makeup artist is there a photographer that would like to promote that could promote you? Can you post someone else’s event and ask them to promote yours? This works very well.

Connect with the Competition

Often times we meet people that do something similar to us and we think of them as competition when they could in fact be our best collaborators of all. Get to know others in a similar business to you and find out where you do not overlap and where you can refer business to each other. They could become your best referral source.

Package Services

This about what you do and what other products or services go along with it. For example if you have a venue that you rent out for meetings, people probably need a cater and maybe some video services. Bundle these services from vendors you collaborate with so that you all win. They can also sell you as a package.

The collaboration possibilities are endless. Pick one of these ideas to run with.

We had a super tip filled call on Wed on How to Create Your Fempire. It was info-packed. Listen Here now. Be sure to visit our TWIBC site www.twibc.com for more great ideas and resources. You will find great articles, event listings, expert interviews and much more.