Are You Sabotaging Your Own Success? Part 2

qualities-795865_1280This is part two in a three part series on sabotaging your own success. If you missed part one, you can read it here.

The next self-limiting belief that stops people from success is “I’m not worthy or I do not deserve.”

Usually we are not scripted to be successful when we were growing up. Rather we were told to fit in and not bring too much attention to ourselves.
We often incurred criticism when we felt too good about ourselves and heard things like, “Who do you think you are?” Being boastful was considered conceited and a definite “no no”. Many of us over-generalized and made the mistake of thinking that we shouldn’t think too highly of ourselves, and if we did someone would shoot us down.

The truth is that a healthy level of self-confidence is necessary to be successful.

In addition, happiness is feeling good about yourself. If you’ve been carrying any of the old beliefs that make you feel unworthy, I urge you to replace them with empowered beliefs, such as:
•    I am more than worthy of prosperity
•    I am highly deserving of an abundance of good
•    It is now okay for me to feel good about myself
•    I give myself permission to feel pride in the work that I do
•    As I share my expertise I am worthy of being amply rewarded

Say these Empowered Beliefs to yourself frequently to raise your level of self-confidence.

Come back next week for part 3 of this series.