Get Busy to Eliminate Your Fear

Fear is the emotion that often keeps us from taking action, making changes and clearing up situations in our life and business. Fear comes from not knowing if the action we want to take is the right action or the one that will work. We also are not sure if taking this action will result in some loss. We could lose some money, some aspect of our reputation, some self confidence. These concerns, while possible, are not always probable—we will not know the truth until we take the action.

Are you afraid to ask a potential client to work with you for fear she will reject you by saying no? Are you afraid to ask a vendor you do a lot of business with for a discount for fear they will get upset? Are you afraid to give a speech, or record a Facebook Live, for fear of what other people might think?  

All feelings are valid, and they are only feelings. Feel the fear, and take action anyway. Every time we do not take action because of fear, we diminish our personal power because the desire to take action continues to gnaw at us. What have you not been doing because of the emotions that accompany it? What would it serve you to do it anyway?

You have massive value to bring. The more you take action, the more you get to share your massive value and the less that will be scary, then pretty soon you will do it all with ease. What is it time to take action on?

In Action!

Caterina Rando, Publisher