Stop Struggling and Start Soaring in Your Business

Running a business can often be full of struggle. We struggle to find time to meet deadlines, to plan, to get to bed at a decent hour – we even struggle to find time for ourselves. Get ready for a revelation: we create most of the struggle in our lives. We all have different “Struggle Strategies” that we unknowingly use in our lives and businesses that might be making things more difficult. Take a look at some of the different Struggle Strategies below. Choose which one is making things harder on you and make a change.

Timing – One of the biggest causes of struggle in our lives is that we want what we want when we want it. Things do not always come in the time frame we prefer, but stay focused on what you want and keep working at it. Remember the old adage – better late than never!

Expectations – We often expect ourselves and others to get so much done—so quickly, or to complete everything perfectly. Recognize that you and everyone else may make mistakes and that other people will not always do things the way you would do them. Know that the world will not always act according to your predetermined script – embrace this idea and you will be a lot happier every day.

No Fun – Sure, you might take a vacation or two throughout the year. But that is not enough. Life is a lot better when you are having some fun every day. Find a short period of time daily to have a great time – have lunch by the lake, spend twenty minutes with your favorite novel, enjoy a dance around your living room. Enjoy yourself. If you don’t, no one else will.

Envy – You will turn green thinking about what everyone else has, how easy they seem to have come by it, or how everything just seems to fall into their lap. When you see all the success and prosperity in other people’s lives, take it as an affirmation that the world is abundant and there are plenty of good things coming your way. Then put your attention back on your life and creating what you want.

Recognize which Struggle Strategy you are currently using and replace it with strategies that support you to soar.

To your soaring success!

Caterina Rando, TWIB Magazine Publisher