Become a Rock Star in Your Business

womanrockstar-150x150Think about rock stars. Their job is to perform and hone their talents. They have an entourage that handles everything else. Just like a rock star, as a woman entrepreneur your job is to perform—serve your clients and hone your talent—run your business. To succeed, you need to focus your energy and time on what you do best: Serving clients, getting new clients and growing your business. Your entourage is your team, without a team you cannot be a rock star in your business because you have to be the entourage to.

What is your talent? What are the things that only you can do? If you are an image consultant, only you can take a client shopping. If you are a writer, only you can put words on paper. If you are a speaker, only you can get on the stage and deliver a talk. These are your revenue-producing activities, and this is where you need to put your focus in order to have your business thrive. Let your team handle the rest. Since every business has different needs, make sure your team consists of more than just one or two people. Think about whom you need on your team for your business?

For example: Sarah is a corporate trainer. Only she can stand in front of a room and teach. That is her talent, her business. If Sarah tried to do everything herself she would not have time to do what she should be doing: training! Whom can Sarah use on her team?

A sales associate can identify possible clients, make initial contact, prescreen clients and sell training.

An administrative assistant can put together and send info. packets, prepare invoices and maintain correspondence, contracts and the calendar.

An editor and writer can prepare Sarah’s print and online marketing materials, training materials and PowerPoint presentations.

As a side note, Sarah can also train other people to do her training programs and take a commission on the programs she books for them, thereby adding another revenue stream.

Ask yourself– Like Sarah. What are the things that only you can do? What else needs to be done that you need help with?

Now imagine you are Sarah, and instead of being a corporate trainer, Sarah does what you do. Now ask yourself what type of support Sarah would have to have to be a rockstar in your business. By creating a fictional person sometimes we can see what we do in a new light. Take action based on the insights you receive from this post and start to make you a rock star in your business.