Performing Background Checks on Employees

Background Checks, entrepreneurs, hiring Hiring the wrong candidate can impact your business. One way to find out a bit more about the trustworthiness of applicants is to perform background checks.

Do I need to perform a background check?

  1. Do your employees have access to information such as social security or bank account numbers? Are they working in clients’ homes?
  2. Will the candidate have access to your accounting where fraudulent transactions can be recorded?
  3. Will the employee have access to private information such as new product development or technology?
  4. Will the employee be working with children?

What kinds of background checks are there?
There are several types of background checks including credit, verifying past employment and education, criminal background and driving records. There may be specific rules in your state for which types are allowed. For instance, if your employee will not drive in any capacity for your business, a DMV check may not be allowed.

Before you look up their credit report….
Businesses must obtain a person’s written consent before seeking a credit report. If you decide not to hire based on the information, you must provide a copy and let the applicant know of his or her right to challenge the report.

How do I perform a background check?
There are many companies to choose from when searching for information on candidates, but there are some things you can check yourself as well. Contact the schools listed on the resume and verify attendance dates and degrees. You can also call former employers and verify the job duties and dates of employment listed on the resume. If the candidate is willing to provide references, contact them and pay particular attention to former supervisors to get a true picture of their work performance.

Don’t forget to look up and follow your state guidelines.