Phone Skills for Selling

Speaking on the phone is an important and necessary part of business. What many people seem to forget is that speaking on the phone for business and speaking on the phone for personal calls is quite different. To help reiterate the importance of proper phone skills for selling, here are some tips that can make your calls as effective as possible.

  • Tone of Voice – Many people often overlook the importance of their tone while on the phone. If your speaking tone is flat and doesn’t show any personality or enthusiasm it will be difficult for the other person to become interested in your information. When speaking on the phone it is important that you express how enthusiastic you are about the product or services you are selling.
  • Make It Personal – To make your call more personal, you should use the person’s first name when speaking. This will make the call more effective and make the other person feel as though you feel they are important. Never miss an opportunity to connect with a potential client.
  • Be Descriptive – When you are speaking on the telephone, you should use words that are as descriptive as possible. You need to remember that the person you’re speaking with cannot see what you are talking about; this is why you need to paint a picture using words that they can then see in their mind.
  • Background Noise – When you are speaking on the phone it is best that you do so in an area where there is not a lot of background noise. Sometimes the person on the other end may end up focusing on what is going on in the background rather than what you are saying. To ensure that they stay focused on you and your message, call from a quiet location.
  • Focus – Whenever you are on the telephone, it is critical that you do not become distracted. If you become distracted during a phone call, you may miss some critical information or a question that may have been asked. Avoid any and all distractions when you are on a sales call.