Honoring (Keeping) Your Agreements to Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I used to have a hard time honoring my agreements to myself. I was unwavering in my promises to my son. You know how that is, right? Once you tell a child something, you have to keep your promise.

But when it came to myself, I would give myself a pass. I would tell myself I’ll get to the gym later, I’ll eat healthy next week, and when it came to my goals and dreams, I would push them to the back burner.

Working a nine-to-five, I focused on my productivity and the 18 staff members I supervised, and I allowed that to give me a sense of fulfillment. Over time, that waned.

Then I got fired. I felt thrown into possibilities, shock awareness, rigorous truth, and transparency. What came out of that was the desire to complete my book and to start my business as an entrepreneur.

It would be two years, two coaches, and one mentor later (as an entrepreneur) before I would “get it”… how honoring myself would impact my business. The essence of honoring my agreements to myself brought me face to face with my sense of worth and value.

I had unknowingly and unconsciously based my worth and value on what I was doing for others. What about you? Are you placing your worth and value in serving your clients and your family? I worked hard. I anticipated what others needed. I was so busy “doing” for others that there wasn’t much energy left for me.

Then my son came and I kicked into overdrive for the first three years … until one day a close friend told me that “doing” for him would compromise him and keep him from being self-sufficient.

While it wasn’t automatic or all the time, I did start honoring my agreements to myself a little. Fast-forward seven years and I’m still monitoring how well I keep my word to myself.

Here’s the key: the more I value me, through honoring my agreements to myself first, the more value I bring. No putting off eating healthy consistently. No more putting off meeting with my tax person. Most of all, no more putting off nudging you to take action now for the life you say you want.

What are the agreements (goals) you have made to yourself, your dream, your business, your clients, and your life that you are ready to honor?

  • Is it to uplevel your business for greater profits?
  • To stand in the value you bring in your packaging and pricing so that you make a difference in your life’s vision and your bank account?
  • To absolutely change how you’ve been viewing money in your life and business?
  • To totally embrace your sacred self and sacred wealth?

Just know that each agreement that you honor for yourself, you will bring greater value to your business.

Much love and respect,

Rev. Jenenne