Innovative Woman Christi Skow

Canyon Bakehouse, Gluten Free, Christi SkowMeet Innovative Woman Christi Skow co-founder of Canyon Bakehouse.

1. How/why did you begin your business?
I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007 after years of being sick. It didn’t take long to learn how few gluten-free bread options there were at that time. My husband had worked in the food industry for many years and had a friend who was a long-time master baker and had developed some fantastic gluten-free bread recipes. We partnered up in 2009 and Canyon Bakehouse was started.

2. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
The perception of gluten free as a “fad” has been a challenge for us. Like millions of other Americans I have celiac disease so being on a gluten-free diet isn’t a choice. We founded Canyon Bakehouse to help people with food allergies, but we also made it a priority to use natural ingredients, no GMOs and whole grains in all of our products so people can also feel good about what they feed their families – a lot of it comes down to providing great information for people. We’re proud to be a voice for those who aren’t just choosing to follow a trend, but genuinely want to be able to love bread again.

3. How do you define SUCCESS?
Success is defining goals and setting out to achieve them while keeping your priorities straight. As a wife and mom of three, that means keeping my faith and family my main priorities. Running a successful business doesn’t mean anything unless our team and the people we’re helping feel supported. At the end of the day what keeps us going with a smile on our face is the thanks we receive from our followers – a grandmother, college student or mom in search of bread for her child’s school lunch. That, to me, means we’re doing something right.

4. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
We are thankful that Canyon Bakehouse has grown so quickly. Growing is great, but it is also accompanied by growing pains. I wish we would have known how fast the business was going to grow so we could have better prepared!

5. What makes you an innovative woman?
Always striving to find better ways of doing things, whether it be in the office or at home. It’s not about being great at everything, but giving it your all and empowering others to do the same.

To find out more about Christi or Canyon Bakehouse, visit or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.