Innovative Woman Dr. Tracy Kemble

Innovative Woman, Dr. Tracy Keble, W.I.N. Foundation InternationalMeet Innovative Woman Dr. Tracy Kemble, speaker, columnist, television / radio personality and founder and president of the W.I.N. Foundation Interntaional.

How and why did you start your business?
I launched The Women In Need Foundation (W.I.N.), a non-profit that provides empowerment and healing to women, almost by default. Meaning, I never set out to be the CEO of an internationally-recognized non-profit organization.

However, after I found myself needing to “knit back together” the pieces of my own life after a personal experience and realized there was a gap in the healing journey, I decided something had to be done to help women that were in similar situations.

Therefore, I made my life and path to wellness the roadmap for others. Today, that ‘path’ is just one of my many programs of empowerment that have served as an emotional life jacket and flashlight for women.

My program has been translated into three languages and taught to tens of thousands of women around the world.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My biggest obstacle was leaning to see myself as “The Brand” of my company. I overcame it by surrounding myself with other people who were their own brand. I learned how to separate promoting “me” from promoting the brand and I’ve never looked back since.

How do you define SUCCESS?
I define success by running a profitable and operationally “smooth” company while having the opportunity to enjoy a prosperous and fruitful personal life.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began, what would that be?
To not be afraid of the word “no” and to trust in my creative instinct.

What makes you an innovative woman?
I believe that I am an innovative woman because I have the ability to take a negative experience and turn it into a positive and empowering learning tool for not only myself but thousands of other women. Rather than be defeated by life, I have chosen to rise above its obstacles and choose happiness to help me guide myself and others through this journey.

To learn more about Dr. Tracy Kemble visit her website at