Charge What You Are Worth: Break Free of the Beliefs That Limit Your Potential (Episode #71)

With me on the show is Nafissa Shireen and our topic today is, Charge What You Are Worth:  Break Free of the Beliefs That Limit Your Potential.

012615 Nafissa Shireen Head ShotDuring this call we will discuss:

  • Learn Key Areas You May Be Giving Away Your Power With Money
  • Why Undercharging Is a Disservice to Your Clients
  • Price is Rarely The Deciding Factor
  • What your clients really care about

About Nafissa Shireen

Nafissa Shireen is an award winning Master Coach, International Speaker and Business Mentor She has a gift for empowering and propelling people to their highest potential.

With 25 years’ experience leading 6-figure to 9-figure companies, she strategically partners with entrepreneurs to help them focus on sustainable & scalable business growth, so they can create a highly profitable and luxurious business and life.

Passionate about helping women earn what they are worth and build their wealth, so that they can realize all of their dreams and desires. She brings together her vast business knowledge with the deep inner work needed to help entrepreneurs identify blocks, step out of fear and overwhelm, raise their wealth consciousness, and move forward towards their goals with measurable, tangible results.