Eliminating the Chatter in Your Head … 5 Steps

woman concentratingThis is a constant process for me. Overcoming my chatter. I don’t know about you, but I’m just keeping it real. See, what I know is that on most days it’s just me.

I’m the one sitting in my office most days with my chatter and myself.

That invisible voice with the potential to be a power force working with me… or not.

Granted, I don’t have as many as I used to have, but I still have to watch myself and monitor my thoughts and thinking. What I notice, and let me know if this is the same for you, is that when things are going great, my chatter is quiet.

It’s interesting that it doesn’t necessarily cheer me on and say, “Go, girl!!” Instead I just live inside a place of peace and joy and accomplishment.

I literally have to pause and tell myself I’m doing good, that I’m making needlepoint moves toward my goals and success; that every step towards each is progress.

Oh my goodness, it’s a different story when I’m in the midst of launching a program, or when I host an event and the number of attendees is less than I expected, or when the goal seems further away than it really is, and I can’t see how to reach my results.

These are the days that I have to be vigilant about thoughts and thinking. See, I live from the awareness of being in alignment with my goals based on my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I know that each of these factor into my success. When one is out of sync, I may find that I’m not flowing and manifesting and instead I’m “trying” to “make it happen,” grind harder, and basically spin and spiral into chaos.

So what do I do that may work for you to eliminate your –(negative) chatter?

  1. Pay attention to your thoughts by writing what you hear your mind say for three days.
  2. Write the opposite positive thought for each thought you write.
  3. Post the positive thoughts you write on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper in colors where you can see it ALL the time; i.e., your bathroom mirror, iPad, and especially your refrigerator.
  4. Repeat the positive thoughts to yourself as often as possible.
  5. Feel the difference between the two: which one gives you more power, strength, and relief. Breathe life into that. Let this become a new practice and consistent reframe your mind chatter.

Your thoughts have power, and it is imperative that you embrace this innate power source that you have as a divine gift. You can think thoughts that WILL impact your life, business, and success; i.e., your future.  Not only that you “can” we do all the time, it’s a matter of being conscious of our thoughts and being willing to take responsibility for them.

Knowing yourself as the actual creator and identifying yourself as the creator of your reality is a position of power. I understand that most people won’t want to accept this responsibility, choosing to think that “It can’t be as simple as aligning my thoughts for the reality I desire.”

But… what if it is? What if you took this on as if your very life and goals depended on it? Test it. You don’t even have to take my word for it. Then let me know what happens.

Once you commit, the first thing your mind will tell you is, it’s too hard to monitor your thoughts; you have too many. Don’t buy it. It takes just as much energy to think positive as it does to think negative. It’s just that for one you’re conscious that you are creating, and for the other we’ve gotten lazy and don’t recognize that we are creating.

Get started for three days and see what shows up as your reality with you living from the lens of being the creator in your life.  We can change what we can see. Positive thoughts do overcome negative thoughts because the energy of each is stronger, higher and more powerful when laser focused with our energy and heart.

Much love and respect,

Rev. Jenenne