Who said that first? A look at some ancient proverbs

thinkingIt can sometimes be challenging to give credit where credit is due when it comes to quotes and phrases that have passed down over time. When I read or hear a quote that moves me, my curiosity leads me to want to know more about its origin and the context from which it has been lifted.

In my research, it is not unusual for me to find that the original meaning or sentiment of the words was quite different from what evolved over time. As people share wisdom, that wisdom creates its own trail through time so that the speaker becomes irrelevant and it is the words themselves that seem to take on life.

I recently spent some time specifically researching the origins of ancient proverbs, those sayings that are no longer attached to a single speaker. There does seem to be a nationality of the presumed origin for some of them. It’s curious to me to consider these and realize how many have actually been quoted later in history and are attributed to future speakers rather than the original scribe.

I am reminded again that when our desire is to learn, live and teach the truth, we must often remove ourselves from the equation.  Most likely the original speakers of these words of wisdom mastered that skill as well. Here are a few I found that spoke to me:

  • As long as you live, keep learning how to live. (Latin)
  • A thing is bigger for being shared. (Gaelic)
  • He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. (Scottish)
  • A stumble may prevent a fall. (English)
  • A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. (Italian)
  • A beautiful thing is never perfect. (Egyptian)
  • A stream cannot rise above its source. (Africa)

Ancient proverbs: Words that evoke thoughtfulness still today.

Words and language are such a gift. When arranged together as nuggets of wisdom such as these they take on extraordinary power that extends over time. Let’s pay attention and live them well.

As long we live, let’s continue to learn. Let’s create communities through sharing. Let’s recognize that we really must do the work to reap the reward. Let’s embrace mistakes as learning. Let’s increase our light by giving it to others. Let’s remember always that our uniqueness is what creates true beauty and let’s always remember that to do more, we must be more and feed our minds and souls with all of the possibilities before us.

Live today like you want tomorrow to be. Learn well to live well.