Getting Beyond Stuck: 5 Steps That Work

Sandy stetler pic 2I was stuck. Nothing was moving. My clients weren’t moving. My writing wasn’t flowing. My merchant account wasn’t moving.

I had to face it and feel it…I was stuck.

I wanted to write an email, just one more, push to see if I could make it happen, to see if I felt an response within…nothing. I couldn’t get one single thought to form into a complete sentence. I walked around my office. There was this energy within me to “do something” to make something happen.

But nothing comes.

Has this ever happened to you?

You’ve gotten stuck? You can’t focus. You want to do something but can’t make it happen. Or what you do DO takes sooooo much effort.

How do you move beyond being stuck?

For writers they call it writers block. I’m not sure what they call it when entrepreneurs or women in business… get stuck. I have read on FB and in articles where people say, “push through it.” That wasn’t a solution for me When it’s not flowing…it’s not flowing. So my primary focus becomes to flow again.

And to do that…I stop.

Yep.  I stop trying to make anything happen. I release it all.  The deadlines, the timelines, and all the “to-do’s” in my mind chatter.


First, I leave my office.  I get out. I look for something completely different that I either LOVE to do or that brings me joy.

My intention is simply to shift my energy…to get into my creative flow.

Getting out of the office moves me out of the range of “DOing something” or making something happen. I kid you not, it takes soooo much more effort and energy to run a business from no to slow energy pushing through it.  Imagine pushing a rock upstream.

Here are some suggestions of what helps me shift and get in the flow:

  1. Take a break – be it a walk, dance, get in nature,  and be present to all that matters to you and give thanks.
  2. Do one thing that makes you laugh… belly laugh please ( I Love Lucy, tickle your kid)
  3. Take 5 slow deep breath
  4. Identify one thing you want to do.
  5. Listen within for your next step

I have found 1000% that when I shift my focus and attention, get intentional about elevating my energy and release it all to my Creator, when I return to “it” – whatever it is, I can do it sooner, quicker and faster.

It works for me and I know it will work for you.  If not, and you get stuck, give me a call or send me an email.

Much love & respect,

Rev. Jenenne