How a Fear of Rejection Can Keep You from Being Successful

17600796_sThe fear of rejection is by far one of the most common among business owners and sales people. It’s not easy to reach out to a lead only to have them reject your sales pitch; but it is a common occurrence that we must learn to overcome in order to achieve any level of success in our field. To help you overcome your fear of rejection and achieve your goals, I have listed some of the most effective ways to deal with rejection.

  • Understanding Your Sales Ratio – When you entered into the world of sales, you were likely aware that rejection was a natural part of the business. What you may not have been prepared for was how it could affect your confidence. To keep yourself from becoming too discouraged, it is important that you understand your sales ratio. It is estimated that it can take an average of 30 calls to successfully schedule an appointment with a prospective new client. Depending on the field that you are in and the types of products and services you are selling, this number may vary. There is no scientific formula you can use to determine you sales ratio, but you can take thorough notes on your attempts and how long it took you to schedule an appointment. This information can be used to create a baseline that you can then use to measure your future sales attempts.
  • Long-Term Goals – Setting personal goals for yourself is an effective way in which to deal with sales rejections. Goals that reach beyond your business objectives, such as saving for a new house or new car, can help you stay focused on the bigger picture. These types of long-term goals can help you persevere through rejection and remain motivated when it may seem impossible to get noticed by potential clients.
  • It’s Not Personal – Many sales people tend to take each and every rejection personally. Rather than continually blaming yourself, you should take each rejection and use it as a learning experience. Every time you are rejected, you have the opportunity to learn something valuable about yourself. These lessons can help you see areas that you need to improve upon and can help you become a more effective and successful sale person in the future.
  • Avoid Negativity – Successful people tend to surround themselves with others who share the same drive, passion, and level of dedication needed to achieve their goals. If you surround yourself with negativity, you will likely not see opportunities that are right in front of you. You will also begin to develop your skills and begin to think that you cannot achieve your goals. Negativity can be a dream killer, in order to stay focused on your goals and remain positive you need to surround yourself with positive like-minded individuals. This will ensure that you never lose faith in your abilities and your will continue to increase your self-confidence.
  • Establish Relationships – Simply because a potential client may have rejected you, doesn’t mean that the relationship has to end there. If you remain in contact and continue to reach out, you will establish a positive relationship. Because they have become familiar with you and your company, when they are in need of your services you will likely be their first call. Establishing relationships can be one of the most beneficial ways to create long-term clients.
  • Celebrate Each Accomplishment – Every day you should take a minute to reflect on your daily achievements. This can help you see how far you’ve come and track the progress that you continue to make. When you focus on the successful sales you have made that day rather than the rejections, you will be able to celebrate each accomplishment rather than focus on the rejections.
  • Develop A Routine – Creating a daily routine is an effective way to stay motivated throughout the day. If you schedule a block of time every day when you reach out to potential clients, you will begin to focus on the task of calling them rather than the rejection you may receive. The more people that you reach out to in a typical day can help you increase sales while overcoming your fear of rejection.

Fear and rejection are among the most commonly shared emotions among sales professionals. The key to overcoming them is simply to understand that each rejection is not a reflection of you as a person. It simply means that that potential client was not currently in need of your products or services. When you experience rejection, simply accept it and move on to the next potential client. Dwelling on rejection will only drain your self-confidence and lead to self-doubt. Every time you are rejected, you can either use it as a reason to give up or as a reason to push even harder; successful sales people choose to use it as a source of motivation.