Innovative Woman Jenenne Macklin

Innovative Woman of the Week, Jenenne MacklinMeet Innovative Woman Jenenne Macklin, Transformational speaker, Sacred Wealth Intuitive Guide and CEO of Spirit and Riches™.

1. How/why did you begin your business?
I was fired in 2011 and had been longing to finish a book I had been writing on and start another business. I wanted more flexibility and wanted to spend more time with my son and family.

2. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
I’ve had several, but the biggest challenge was moving from working “in” my business where I felt most comfortable to working “on” my business.

3. How do you define SUCCESS?
Generating the income and profit to create the life I desire with my family, to leave a legacy and to have greater impact and influence in the world.

4. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
What I wish I would have known was the level of rigor and stages of becoming an entrepreneur. This would have given me more realistic expectations and more patience and less frustration.

5. What makes you an innovative woman?
Well if I define “innovative” as new ideas and what’s fresh, then I bring a powerful conversation about the value that women have based on “who” they are not what they “do.” A conversation about “being” the amazing women that we each are first and foremost, honoring ourselves and accepting ourselves first and THEN consciously deciding how we will fill our roles and bring the best and greatest aspect of ourselves to our families, clients and the world.

To find out more about Jenenne, visit or connect with her on Twitter.