How to MAXIMIZE Productivity when Your Office Is at Home. Part 3

Part one was about setting you up for success. Part two covered pushing your reset button. Now we turn our laDY WITH THUMB UPattention to managing your mind to maximize your productivity. One of the truths about a home office is that you spend a good deal of time alone.

How do you keep your mind supporting you to reach your milestones toward success? Let me say, this will require some awareness and practice. So be gentle with yourself. That is, unless you were taught to meditate or notice your thoughts when you were growing up. Frankly, most of us weren’t. Nonetheless, your mind must become your greatest ally in maximizing your productivity. Too often in working with my clients I find that their mind is like an unruly child. It taunts them with the most outrageous outcomes that will never happen.

One moment you’re energized, expansive, present, and the next you’re stressed, doubtful, and annoyed. The only thing that changed was your thinking. To align your mind for productivity begins with thinking of it as a computer. Begin to consciously decide what you will and won’t think. That’s right—program it. When you want to be productive, write down three simple statements to reflect on as you work. Develop the habit of telling your mind what to think instead of it telling you scary stories and outcomes.

Another simple practice is to notice your thoughts for several days. Write them down and see if they align with your goal for success. If not, write thoughts that do and post them so you can see them in your office. It’s a place to start and build on.

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