New Moon Manifestation Reading May 2016

I am so excited to post the New Moon Manifestation reading this month! For anyone who has been looking at our monthly readings you will notice that one of the Goddess Cards from last month shows up in our reading again this month!

I like to use the Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue when I am wanting the practical kind of advice that you would get from a good girlfriend. You can always count on the Goddess Oracle Deck to provide deep and soulful guidance in tangible and practical ways that you can apply in your everyday life in order to manifest exactly what your heart desires.

The New Moon is a time to set intentions and delve into our subconscious minds in order to bring forth new creations. Intentions set on the new moon set into action our innate powers of manifestation. Take time to create sacred space and set your desired intentions on this New Moon and allow your angels, healing masters and goddess guides light the way to your Heart’s Desire.

In this month’s reading we have an amazing lineup of Goddess Energy! In the first position we have Nemetona, Goddess of Sacred Space. She reminds us to pay attention and honor the sacred by creating sacred space. She is the guardian goddess of sacred sites and of nature.

In the second position we have the Goddess energy of Sarasvati. Saraswati is the goddess of the arts and of music. Her energy raises the vibration of spaces and of it’s inhabitants by harnessing the creative power and vibration of color sound and art. It is a great time during this new moon cycle to give your creativity time to flourish. Your payoff will be vast!

In the third position of the reading Ostara, goddess of fertility and abundant manifestation shows up. As I mentioned earlier in this article, Ostara is making not only a repeat appearance in our new moon manifestation reading this month… but she also shows up in the same position in the reading! Keep your eyes on the prize and really harness your creativity at this time. Ostara has sowed the seeds and with clear intentions you can rest assured your project will magically come together in the near future.

That is all I have for you today lovely goddess’s!

Happy Manifesting.

