Ascended Master Oracle Reading by Aeriol

For this month’s New Moon Manifestation Reading I am using the Ascended Master Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue.

Here are a few suggestions to create the sacred space of a New Moon Manifestation reading:

  1. Have an intention. An intention is different than a question. One can use questions to gather information that can get to a desired outcome. But keep in mind that it is not the same as asking a question. An intention is a desired result. For example: healing. Or perhaps: clarity. knowledge. peace. It is what energy or state of being you want to draw forth in your life. The New Moon is a perfect time to set manifestation intentions.
  2. Have a an energetic protocol to ground yourself and to connect with your higher self.
  3. Have energetic support: Call in your Angels, Healing Masters and Spiritual Guides across time and space and ask that the information you receive be of the highest purity and clarity and of the greatest good of all concerned.
  4. Have Fun!

This month I have decided to use the Ascended Master Oracle Deck for our New Moon Manifestation Reading. The Ascended Master Card for this month is Saint Germain. Saint Germain teaches us about Divine Science and how to “work our magic” check out the video I have posted to hear what I have to say about our reading.

Saint Germain- Work your magic!
Saint Germain- Work your magic!

Saint Germain was not a Catholic Saint, but actually a Count from the Saint-Germain region of France in the 1700’s where he was known as the Wonderman. He was known as a virtuoso musician, a linguist and most interestingly, a gifted alchemist who was said to have a knack for magically empowered gems and healing elixirs. Saint Germain oversees and helps lightworkers who wish to bring peace to our world by helping to bring integrity and honesty to governmental situations. Saint Germain is associated with the seventh chakra and violet flame energy.

In 1930 a man by the name of Guy W. Ballard met the Ascended Master St.Germain while hiking on Mount Shasta in Northern CA. Mr Ballard wrote many books about his experiences with Saint Germain and formed what is known as the “I AM” activity which is know by most followers of New Age teachings. For the purposes of our reading it will suffice to know that by harnessing the power of your mind and by focusing your intention on the highest good, you will shape your world.

So with all that said, Call on the Violet Flame energy to heal and transmute lower energies and manifest your highest intentions. Imagine yourself bathed in violet light. You may want to use the crystal energy of the amethyst to raise your spiritual vibration and clear your 6th and 7th Chakra’s. Call on the energy of Saint Germain to show you how to work the magic that is YOU!

Happy Manifesting!

Aeriol Ascher