Embrace Collaboration to Do What You Do Better

we-566327_1920As you work with others to grow your business, complete your projects and realize your dreams, here are a few super tips:

Invite Contribution

Sometimes when we know what we are doing we just do it and we do not make space for the input of others. A good collaborator recognizes that great ideas and solutions do not always come from the most experienced or best trained person in the room. Foster collaboration by asking everyone to share their ideas and solutions and be sure to celebrate and acknowledge everyone for their ideas, regardless of what you act on.

 Share the Context

When we are working with partners, vendors or team members we make a lot of requests and ask a lot of questions. Be sure to tell people why you need some information or why you are asking a question. When others know the context of why you are making a request they can share their insight into how to possibly do it better, faster or more affordably.

Keep it Cool

For the last few years I have done 70-95 days of my own trainings or events each year, and when you have people arriving soon and challenges arise people can feel the pressure and conversations can heat up. Do your best to remember that you want your relationships to stay in tact through it all. Here is what I do my best to always remember. “Relationships first, results second.” This way others will want to continue to collaborate with you.

 Celebrate Collaboration

Be sure to let people know that you could not do it as well or as wonderfully without them and that you appreciate their hard work and contribution. Before you all disperse celebrate whatever you have accomplished and the people involved that way people will feel good about working with you and they will be an insta-yes next time.

Effective collaboration is essential to business success. Take these ideas and improve yours. Be sure to visit our TWIBC site www.twibc.com for more great ideas and resources. You will find great articles, event listings, expert interviews and much more.