Procrastination…we all do it! Tips on How To Push Through It with Ease

Sandy stetler pic 2I’m staring at this blank document on my computer knowing that I need to put some words on it in generally complete sentences.  I’ve been thinking about it for days, it’s on my list of to-dos, I’ve talked about doing it, and I promised myself I’d start it tomorrow.  Well that was several “tomorrows” ago.   I’ve been putting it off for days.  Why?  

The regular culprits:

  1.  Thinking there was not enough time.
  2.  Indecision about what I was going to write.
  3.  Reading email, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. is essential isn’t it?

However, it comes down to the fact that I need to put words on this paper!  This procrastination is taking up an awful lot of mental energy.  It’s self-defeating behavior and stressful.  ENOUGH ALREADY!

Here are some tips that work for me and my clients.

  1.  Set a goal and commit to it. I decided that today was the day…period.  By this evening, I would have written an article.  Short or long doesn’t matter.  It will get me started.  No distractions!
  2.  Jot down some of the thoughts for the article that are running through my head.  They aren’t in any particular order, but that doesn’t matter.  I see them.  Once jotted down, they can float away.
  3.  Set my priorities.  I needed to have eaten and asked that I not be disturbed.  Turn on some classical music.  It is calming, relaxing and helps me focus on the task in front of me.
  4.  Realize it doesn’t have to be perfect.  There simply is no such thing as perfection.  I will do the best I can.  I always do.  Think rationally.
  5.  Just start.   Seated at my keyboard the words start to flow.  

We think procrastination is unsolvable, but it isn’t.  It is simply an old behavior that resurfaces periodically.  If we have a process, such as the above 5 step process that works for me,  we can accomplish our goal.  Best of all, the feeling of accomplishment is incredibly rewarding!

Now recognize your procrastination, set a goal and commit to it.  Let me know how well you do.