Always Know the Value You Bring


When a potential new employer asks, “What is the value you bring?” can you give an immediate and confident reply?

If you can’t, then be prepared for not getting noticed. If you are able to answer this question immediately with ease and confidence, and be very specific about the skills you have, it will help you achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible.

How do you define your skills and capabilities? Try this easy assessment tool:

1.    On a piece of paper, create a table like the example below and write down everything shown in red. Your table can list up to ten rows. Leave the remaining squares blank.

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2.    In column #2, Previous Experience, you could list Product Development, Instagram Expert, Process Management.

In column #4, Transferable Skills, you could list Budgeting, Problem Solver, Team Leader.

In column #6, Personality Traits, you could list Quick Learner, Analytical, Goal Oriented.

3.    When you’re done, go back over each list. In the adjacent blue columns, 3, 5 and 7, list the same skills in order of level of enjoyment or competence.

4.    Write down the top 50% of skills from each blue column.

Now you have a list of skills that you can use to create a resume or compose a personal value statement. These skills will be the foundation of the strategy you can use to answer the question, “What value do you bring?”