Define and Implement Strategy, Success and Ease 


linda-lenore-print-image-5Feng Shui is a potent tool used by wealthy and powerful rulers around the world throughout the millenniums. Feng Shui principles reinforce strategy, success and ease!


Planning and organizing our buildings for optimum energy starts the Feng Shui process. We want our spaces to support the desired energy for specific outcomes.

If you are doing a creative project, a well-lit environment connected to nature will assist you best. For instance, sit where you can look through a window from your desk. Focused attention works best in a more protected area. Have a wall behind you with a view of the entrance.


Fame, fortune and power are the qualities most associated with success. Feng Shui principles can help you attain these.

For example, place awards and recognition plaques on the wall opposite the entry. This is your area of FAME. You’ve now anchored, balanced and magnified your desired result by “setting your intention” while hanging the objects.


Often, our buildings inadvertently express “lack” or missing energy. We work hard only to be discouraged at the conclusion.

Feng Shui is about flowand not just any flow. You want a gentle and consistent energy coming your way. You want to be uplifted, inspired and supported. You want health, wealth and love. You want fun, creativity and a world-changing career. You want to be appreciated and compensated for the time, talents and treasures you share.

Your birthright entitles you to all your desires. You need to clear the negative energies and align your body, mind, spirit and environment. Feng Shui tools are designed to take you through exactly this process. It’s designed to manifest Strategies for Success with Ease.

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Nine Tips for Success with Ease, go to: