Build a Better Business by Becoming a Better Leader

Leadership is directly linked to company profits. It’s at the core of every other key factor, such as market, sales, fulfillment, productivity and expenses. When you become a better leader, you grow a better business.
Here are 10 attributes you need to be a good leader:
1. Vision – a picture of the future that is compelling and realistic even if it is a big stretch. Keep your vision at the forefront.
2. Communication – communicate frequently in supportive and even challenging ways to build a healthy business.
3. Emotional intelligence – meet followers where they are today. I often see leaders attempt to meet followers where they want them to be instead of where they are now. Emotional intelligence brings you back to a service platform.
4. Collaboration – invite differing opinions and ideas.
5. Quick decisions – no one follows a leader who can’t choose or make decisions. Be decisive to instill confidence.
6. Walk your talk – set the example, mold the culture and live the values you set for the company and the employees. Walking your talk is part of the integrity you instill within the organization.
7. Service – Lead from the front and from the rear. Support and lift the stragglers on the team. You win or lose as a team. Being of service to the team is pivotal.
8.Commitment – to the vision, the business, the employees, the stakeholders and the clients.
9. Delegate – no one can do it all. No one is great at every task. Share the wealth and make use of the talent that surrounds the business.
10. Train – to sharpen your leadership skills as well as the skills of the team.
I encourage you to choose which of these attributes you would like to improve upon and take action. Improve your leadership skills and watch your business grow.
Doreen Milano, Certified Professional Coach, established Visions To Excellence in 2010. Doreen has years of experience assisting businesses, both large and small, in growing and thriving through even the most challenging economic scenarios.