We know the value of connecting and learning with like-minded, like-hearted women. Through our website, you can stay current with so many great personal and business development events happening in your area and virtually. Visit this events page frequently and see what looks like a good match for you.
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If so, I have great news this could be the most important message you read for your business.
The best, most timesaving, cost-effective way to showcase your value is through public speaking. Speaking is the shortest distance between you and your large revenue goals. Speaking also allows you to serve a lot more people, a lot faster.
Here are ten criteria that will determine if the Shero Speaker Summit is the place you want to be.
Learn the ten ways to get booked for speaking with ease. One of the best ways takes less than two minutes and can give you huge results.
Understand the simple strategy to effortlessly determine in one minute what to speak about to generate long-term and lifelong clients.
Discover the top collaboration keys to use at your event to leave with a network of speakers who compliment your focus and whom you can partner with to quickly expand your reach.
Uncover the common mistakes you may be making when speaking that prevent you from gaining insta-clients, and find out how to make an effective offer with ease.
Embrace the three qualities every Shero Speaker possesses every time she is on the platform that create breakthroughs and transformation in every audience.
Plus, you will meet many incredible women in business on a mission just like you. This special event will support you to use your super powers more often for good, through your business, for years to come.
Join us on Zoom!
An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Last of the month, repeating until October 31, 2024
An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Last of the month, repeating until October 31, 2024