Teen Themes: Consequences Clarified

Teen Themes: Consequences Clarified

Punishing a kid because you are angry and frustrated in the moment is unfair, but consequences in and of themselves are not a problem. Poor management of consequences breaks families apart. That hurts everyone. If that is where your family...Read More
Teen Themes: Constructive Conversations

Teen Themes: Constructive Conversations

Sick of kids' back talk and constant negotiations? GRAB YOUR TEEN and learn 3 great techniques along side your kids for communicating constructively and finding win-win solutions together. Today's tweens and teens are master wheedlers. They'll push and push and...Read More
TWIBC Weekly Wind Down on Clubhouse

TWIBC Weekly Wind Down on Clubhouse

Connect, share, gain insights and surely leave uplifted. We are here to support you to thrive. Join us here on Friday: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/PDvp51kR
The Possibilities of the Right Connection

The Possibilities of the Right Connection

What is the right connection? As an entrepreneur, you no doubt attend  many networking events so that you can meet more people. The question is are you making great connections, or are you making the right connections? There's a difference....Read More