Be Loud and Proud About Great Client Results, To Gain More Great Clients

I have a wonderful client Annette, she is a grandmother and a wife and one of those people who you are so grateful to have in your life. She had been speaking professionally for twenty years when we reconnected, but due to the poor health of the people around her she had let her business go and the last couple of years and was making almost no income. She always wanted to do her own workshop but never did. After being in my Thriving Events and Retreats Platinum Program she was finally doing her first workshop and I was thrilled and feeling pride sitting in her audience. She earned $7500.00 that day. Three times what she had ever earned in a day for the whole time she was in business. I love that story and I tell it often because it is an example of the kind of results people can get when they work with me. Do you have several examples, written down and published about the results you get for your clients? It is time to start. Letting people know about your great client results will build tons of influence.

The more your clients and potential clients hear about the great results your clients are getting the more confident they become in sending you referrals. Every time they hear about someone who has gotten great results from working with you the more they are reminded to send you referrals.

Showcase your client results as testimonials on your websites, in your newsletter, in your social media and even in the form of videos on YouTube. Your clients will appreciate you featuring them. This will create more visibility for them and also show the great results you get for your clients. Here are some ideas to support you:

  • Start a word document file of client stories of great results.
  • Be sure to ask your clients for written testimonials and referrals whenever they report great results to you.
  • Shoot video of your clients sharing the great results they are getting or have received and put these videos together to share on YouTube and share in your social media feed.
  • Put client testimonials on your websites.
  • Include a client testimonial in the email sequences you send out to your clients and potential clients.
  • When a client shares a great testimonial with you be sure to share that on your social networks.
  • Share in your speeches the great results your clients have experienced.
  • Include in your speech handouts client testimonials that mention the great results they have received.

Get started today to take action to be louder and prouder about the great results your clients are getting and watch your influence and your referrals soar.

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, shows women entrepreneurs how to be loud and proud about the value they bring in order to massively monetize their mastery. Join her and other ambitious, positive and passionate women entrepreneurs as you discover how to catapult your revenue at one of her three two-day, live and in-person events: The Business Breakthrough Summit,, The Sought After Speaker Summit or Enliven: How to Plan, Produce and Profit From a Women’s Retreat
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