Innovative Woman Patti Cotton

Patti Cotton, Innovative Woman of the Week

Meet Innovative Woman and Executive Coach, Patti Cotton, who helps executives and other decision makers play a bigger game.

1. How/why did you begin your business?
I had grown and led teams to raise millions of dollars and, over the years, discovered that even though I was a success at strategic planning to raise money, that my greater success was growing the talent that helped me raise it. I felt called to help people step into their potential and wanted to do this full time. I returned for a second masters’ degree for organizational management and development with a year-long track in evidence-based coaching so that I could provide the very best to my clientele – and then jumped the corporate ship to begin my own firm.

2. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge in the past was not asking for what I wanted out of life. I was an excellent people-pleaser and self-sacrificer. I was used to receiving whatever came my way with gratitude, instead of defining my dreams and going after them. This cost me a lot in opportunities and in joy. I lost myself – who I was, what I was called to do. What changed? At a crucial moment in my life, I was faced with something that I wanted very badly. I knew that if I remained in my comfort zone, I would let the life changing opportunity pass me and that I would forever regret it. I realized that it was time for me to break through – I deserved to have what I wanted. I also realized that I had a responsibility to reach for this “more” so I could model this for my children. It was a bold decision, and, as you may guess, a challenging change to make. So, I sought the expert help of a very dear mentor and master coach friend of mine, Leni Wildflower, to help me break through old, self-limiting core beliefs and behaviors so that I could go forward – to ask for what I wanted, and get it. I owe Leni a lot – her coaching changed my life. And there are many great and life-changing outcomes from this decision – I married the love of my life, I left a very lucrative and promising corporate career to found my own successful coaching firm, I have taken some exciting risks with courage and ease, and above all, have been inspired to help others learn how to ask for what they want – and get it.

3. How do you define SUCCESS?
Many define success as the attainment of wealth or achievement. I do not define it in this way. Rather, I believe success is reaching the joyful state that comes from living out your calling and your potential, being the very best human being you can be, contributing your greatest and unique gifts to the world, and recognizing the difference you make in the larger mosaic.

4. If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
I wish I hadn’t waited so long to really follow what I love to do most in coaching. It came from a fear of wondering if there would be enough of my ideal clientele to sustain my business. So, in the beginning, I coached any warm body on anything for any reason. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoyed it, and it was a great learning experience. From my clients’ testimonials, it worked well for them, too. But I realized that there was a type of client and particular area of coaching that I loved best. And I waited a long time before I got the courage to take the leap and go there. What I learned? Your clients will find you if you open up the space for them. My business is thriving, and I am blessed.

5. What makes you an innovative woman?
Innovation is about finding a better way to do something. Now, I can’t claim to invent anything new. However, I continue to learn and grow in order to be the best human being I can be, so that I can bring the best to my clients in order to fulfill my calling. My continued quest for personal growth and how this empowers my coaching allows my coaching to evolve. This may be part of what makes me innovative – that I am not afraid to let go of what I have learned, in order to embrace what works best, now.

To learn more about Patti visit or connect with her on facebook or twitter.