EvernoteI want to introduce you to my new favorite productivity tool, it’s the place that I mostly manage my notes but I figured out quickly all the other bells and whistles.

The basic concept of Evernote™ is an easy to use organized way of keeping notes. You can organize them individually within a notebook and then share them and/or the entire notebook. I especially like that I can access Evernote™ on or offline so I don’t have to have an internet connection to use it, which is great when traveling. It does require you to download the software to your device, laptop or desktop and they all sync up – obviously when you’re working offline it won’t sync until you do get online.

Now for the bells….The collaboration tools are fantastic especially for managing projects when team members are in multiple locations, in the premium version there’s a work chat option so you can talk with the team real time and immediately. Within a note tasks can be created with checkboxes to keep track of those that have been completed, notes can also have reminders set. Since there is the mobile application available, pictures can easily be taken and uploaded to a specific note. You can tag each of your notes with specific words that will allow you to quickly find related notes associated with those tags. You can share any note via social networks or via email, best of all you can turn any note into a presentation format with the click of an icon.

And the whistles……You can add a voice recording to any note, yes while you’re in your car and need to dictate something you can record it and then simply attach it to a note for your assistant or yourself to listen to. You can add a webcam note! No I’m not kidding you can video yourself and add that to any note. Screenshots and ink notes can also be added to any note, these are very useful when you’re using web clippings. You can use the Atlas function to document when you took the note where your calendar said you were.

This is just touching the tip of what Evernote™ does for your productivity and ability to stay organized and manage projects more effectively. Share how you use Evernote™