Innovative Woman Jennifer Rachael Hudye

Jennifer Rachael Hudye, LifeBalance Coach Inc.Meet Innovative Woman Jennifer Rachael Hudye founder of LifeBalance Coach Inc., a socially conscious company that helps people set lofty life goals and learn how to follow through with them.

How and why did you start your business?
At 20 years old I started investing time and money into personal development and fitness. However I noticed that the only icons and role models that I looked up to were women 40+ years old. I couldn’t relate to anyone near my age in learning about how to gain confidence, clarity and control in my life. I made it my mission to learn from the best in the personal development industry and create content and programs that teach young women like myself how to be the best version of themselves. Now at 22 years old and one semester left of business school I am on the path to be working for myself full time doing what I believe is my purpose, helping young women.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge has been never feeling like I’m ‘ready’ or ‘old enough’. For months I was caught up in believing I was too young and didn’t have enough education to do what I wanted. I opened up to others about it at a personal development seminar I went to. A women I met in one of my groups looked at me in the eye and said, “I believe your age is your competitive advantage, the best time to start is right now.” Well that hit home with me and from there I decided that I wasn’t going to allow a label such as ‘too young’ stop me. Since then I have made sure that I educate myself enough that people will not question me on my age when they see my content.

How do you define SUCCESS?
I define success as being the best version of yourself everyday.

If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began, what would that be?
You will never feel 100% ready to do anything big and exciting. The best thing to do is just start and learn as you go.

What makes you an innovative woman?
I am an innovative woman because I believe I’m helping change the way young women live their lives. I believe I’m challenging the status quo and following my passion and purpose right from the start, failing forward as I go.

To find out more about Jennifer visit her website or connect with her on Facebook.