What motivates you to get things done?
- A. Offer yourself a reward when finished.
- B. Set a deadline.
- C. Put it on your to do list.
- D. Get an accountability partner to hold you accountable.
- E. All of the above.
- F Other
Over the last six years I have been building a new business, Vibrant Living Alchemy. The content of my offerings has morphed and changed in subtle and not so subtle ways. One intention has remained constant. I am committed to “doing business” differently. Although in the past the old paradigm of working hard and making work hard brought me a lot of financial success it also led to extreme burnout.
In the new paradigm, which is unfolding for many of us, playfulness, curiosity and pleasure lead the way. Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy is a popular self-help book for procrastinators who want to be more productive. I read it recently and was struck by the fear and lack base that seems to lie underneath many of the suggestions. Indeed the title itself refers to identifying which task is most important and most unpleasant and do it first. Get it out of the way. That feels like the old paradigm to me.
Here is a more playful and curious approach. Ask yourself every morning, “How does my passionate work want to be expressed today? How could I make every interaction and every task more pleasurable?” When the action you take stems from being in alignment with the truth of who you are and with the reason you are doing what you are doing you will experience greater pleasure and success.
Are you looking for a way to lighten your load? Simply begin with curiosity. Be open to innovative ways to make each daily task more enjoyable and enjoy the ride.
Guest Writer-Jean Kathryn Carlson
Jean Kathryn Carlson is a Dream Alchemy Coach, speaker and co-author of Catch Your Star and On the Wings of Faith. Her unique alchemical blend of dreamplay and tapping sets the stage for a powerful and transformational experience.
Dream Alchemy Coach. Offering Dream Circles and Dream Alchemy Coaching by appointment. 415-721-7300
jk@vibrantlivingalchemy.com or www.vibrantlivingalchemy.com