Everyone wants to be productive, they want to get things done and feel good that they accomplished something – Right? Creating opportunities to be productive are all around us and yet we don’t take advantage of them most of the time.
Productivity is a very achievable goal EVERYDAY, if you truly desire to be. Over the last few years I’ve discovered something about many of us including myself – We all LOVE that feeling when we’ve been productive. The challenge that we all face is that we do the same thing we do in so many other areas of our lives and that’s too compare ourselves to someone else.
Productivity and what motivates us to be productive is unique to each individual. Comparing ourselves to someone else’s completion of their to-do list only creates unrealistic expectations because our environments and circumstances are different.
So here’s some simple steps you can take to stop beating yourself up for not getting anything done and be in love with your productivity every day.
- Make a list of only 3 things daily that you must get done that day. Many of you will say “but I have 10 things I have to get done today!”. This step is about being realistic, so list the 3 most important and if you get more done than great – BONUS productivity is always a good thing.
- Time block your calendar! This is the most critical step so you have dedicated time to spend being productive.
- Evaluate mid-day how many of those 3 you’ve accomplished. If you haven’t accomplished any then focus your next 2-3 hours on getting at least 2 of them done.
Be ready, falling in love with productivity has some amazing fringe benefits.