Wealth or Finances?

I recently asked a woman about her wealth accumulation plans. She was completely unenrolled in the topic. When I asked her why she replied,” I am not wealthy nor will I ever be!”  I asked her “ How do you feel about your finances?” She completely opened up.

Does the word WEALTH frighten you? If so why?


I see WEALTH as an abundance in every area of life. We do gravitate to assume it only means the state of being rich; material prosperity.

Houses of wealth can be be found in your Health,Financial, Family or Love areas as an example.


I heard something today and it was mind blowing by Van Mueller. Did you know that our country has 323 million people in it and 162 million of them are on benefits, We have 50 million retirees and we had more workers in the year 2000 then there are right now! We are over $19.4 Trillion in debt and it will take EIGHT GENERATIONS to fix this.


Why do people get paid on Friday and by Monday morning they are BROKE? What is that thinking or lack of thinking?


If you saved one million dollars for your retirement today at 5% growth would you feel set for life?

Let’s look .

After taxes (apx 30%) You would have about $35,000 in annual income. Just about $3,000 in monthly income! If you were accustomed to making $8,000 monthly could you actually live on less than half of that? Let me answer for you. NO.
Back to the woman I started speaking about. She got it! Wealth is positive, Finance is positive. She needed  a conversation that no one would have with her. You have untapped options and I can help. Why not have financial quality in your life. It’s not about putting your money at RISK, It’s about making sure it’s not volatile!