How Do We Create Wealth?

Do you ever wonder how the rich get richer?

It is a very uncomfortable topic. Most people do not understand the concept of the vehicle that can work for anyone, not just the rich. This may be a surprise to you.

It’s called CASH VALUE LIFE INSURANCE!  You can deny it all you want but it is a fact. Just ask Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Ben Bernanke. Buffett put a billion and a half dollar policy into the Gates Foundation and nearly doubled his money, tax-free.

The media makes it look like it’s just a contribution of wealth to the Gates Foundation; however, this is how wealth breeds wealth in simple terms.

Not to fret. Most of us are under-educated in just how a plan like that works only because it’s not generally taught to us. While it is important to have a variety of investment type vehicles, why not utilize a plan that can give you growth, reduce your future taxes and allow you to use your money for the rest of your life? There is more. It gives you Liquidity and you can leave money tax-free to your family, charity or business.

Fact or Fiction:

Did you know insurance is one of the SAFEST places you can put your money?

Fact! If the government fails, insurance companies will still survive.

We are taught to put our money in the most volatile of situations including government plans or, even an extremely low growth plan like a cd, short-term bond, money market or bank account.

 Living in the “When I Have More” and “I Can’t Afford To” mentality doesn’t work. We actually CAN create a better future for ourselves financially. I’m here to help. Are you ready? Join me at