We know the value of connecting and learning with like-minded, like-hearted women. Through our website, you can stay current with so many great personal and business development events happening in your area and virtually. Visit this events page frequently and see what looks like a good match for you.
Get the Word Out About Your Great Event
Discover your personal Heart Line’s message during this workshop with Pia Darling at the TWIB Center. Heart lines reveal your own particular set of emotional needs, ways of giving/expecting love and communication style.
Imagine suddenly understanding WHY! Why your relationships have had the challenges they have had. Why you tend to feel not as happy as you’d like, not seen or heard, drained or over-extended, or disappointed. Why you experience the same misunderstandings and conflicts again and again. Why your romantic suggestions aren’t recognized.
Now, imagine feeling absolutely fulfilled in your relationships. Imagine feeling completely present, strong and open. Imagine catching an argument or misunderstanding about to start, and having the tools to shed light on it. Imagine creating a relationship where you each feel fed and deeply happy. Magically transform your relationships or empower your field of attraction to draw in your match.
With your Heart Line as your guide, understand who you are at your emotional core and then:
Bring photos of your Special Someone’s palms. (with their blessing, of course ;)
Let’s play!
There’s nothing like relaxing into the peace and safety of healthy, warm, fulfilling relationships.
Join Pía in this fun and educational workshop, and explore what’s possible for you.