We know the value of connecting and learning with like-minded, like-hearted women. Through our website, you can stay current with so many great personal and business development events happening in your area and virtually. Visit this events page frequently and see what looks like a good match for you.
Get the Word Out About Your Great Event
Come join us at the special Early Bird Discount Price mentioned below!
WHEN: Saturday, September 14th
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
WHERE: 3154 Woodside Road, Woodside, CA
TUITION: $277, Value Priceless
Early Bird Discount of $197 (available through August 15th)
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!
TO ENROLL now through August 15th for the Early Bird Discount of $197: http://bit.ly/TrueFreedomEarlyBird
TO ENROLL after August 15th for the priceless value of $277: http://bit.ly/TrueFreedom0919
You are here to make a BIG Impact with ease and grace!
You are eager to know and live OUTSIDE the Box.
You are ready to have your Passion and Purpose be in service to ETERNAL Freedom.
A taste of what’s possible for you during and after the True Freedom Workshop:
During the True Freedom Workshop, I had an “Oh My God” moment, where I really got why people get caught up in their stuff. The teachings helped me solidify my foundation and understand what’s needed to reconnect to a place that’s outside the box, for me as an individual and as a leadership coach. I also better understand the value and rewards of taking this “not easy” journey.
~ Rachel Moore, Career and Leadership Coach
OMG, I’m so grateful for you guys! Since experiencing Dr. David’s “out of the box” teachings and Maurine’s guided inquiry, I’ve had some unexpected breakthroughs. I was able to discover and strip away dynamics and unconscious motivators that were limiting me, personally and professionally. Now I’m more clear, authentic and free to love and express myself in this lifetime.
~ Aeriol Ascher, Speaker, Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer
We would be honored to have you join us for this Transformational Day.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
ENROLL NOW through August 15th for the Early Bird Discount of $197: http://bit.ly/TrueFreedomEarlyBird
ENROLL AFTER August 15th for the priceless value of $277: http://bit.ly/TrueFreedom0919
We are also inviting you to tune in to this offer, see if anyone you know would appreciate knowing about it, and share as guided. Thank you!
For more information, text Maurine at (650) 280-4378 or call Dr. David at (858) 204-3092
Thank you!