Events for Thriving Business Women


We know the value of connecting and learning with like-minded, like-hearted women. Through our website, you can stay current with so many great personal and business development events happening in your area and virtually. Visit this events page frequently and see what looks like a good match for you.

Get the Word Out About Your Great Event

It is our mission to help the women in our community to become aware of the in-person and virtual events that will support them to thrive even more. If you have an event that you would like us to partner with you on, please email us at
TWIBC VIP Members:


TWIBC 3115 Clement Street, San Francisco, Calif., CA, United States

Chinese Metaphysics can guide people to make the right decisions in life. It can also bring comfort, order, peace, and confidence to their lives. For thousands of years, these disciplines have helped people succeed in their lives. Learn about Systems of Classical Feng Shui that can bring you auspicious luck, relationship Luck, and who are […]



Ancient Wisdom and New Science: Learning Manifesting Tools Workshop and Remote Chinese Energetic Medicine Session

Online CA, United States

3 hour workshop learning tools from 11am to 2pm either Saturday or Sunday 2/20 or 2/21/21 regular price $294 down to $37 for TWIBC members New Science and Ancient Wisdom to help you use your brain to manifest what you want with simple tools from DAoist Magic that can be used with Christian or any […]


Self Healing Tools for PTSD and Depression that Greatly Decrease Symptoms with Dr Amba

Online CA, United States

March 13, 2021 11am to 2pm- 3 hour Saturday workshop ending in an hour long Remote Chinese Energetic Medicine Session $294 for $37 for TWIBC members This workshop teaches tools to help reduce Anxiety, Fear, and Depression. This does help with regular Sadness and Grief that is from loss of a loved one and any […]


Liver week 10/16 or 10/17- Anger, Frustration, Impatience-Boundries

Online CA, United States

Oct 16th or Oct 17th-- You are accountable for everything you feel and hold on to. Next weekend the focus is on Liver Yin Organ- and honoring and expressing in a very healthy way- FRUSTRATION, IMPATIENCE, AND ANGER. and re charging our innate virtues - COMPASSION, KINDNESS, PATIENCE ---liver also has to do with Boundaries […]
