Events for Thriving Business Women


We know the value of connecting and learning with like-minded, like-hearted women. Through our website, you can stay current with so many great personal and business development events happening in your area and virtually. Visit this events page frequently and see what looks like a good match for you.

Get the Word Out About Your Great Event

It is our mission to help the women in our community to become aware of the in-person and virtual events that will support them to thrive even more. If you have an event that you would like us to partner with you on, please email us at
TWIBC VIP Members:

Moving From Horrendous to Heroic

The Luma Center 616 Petaluma Blvd N Suite B The Wellness Classroom, Petaluma, CA, United States

Are you curious about how to bring more understanding to your life's journey? Would you appreciate the opportunity to gather more tools in order to go with the flow? You are invited to come learn about some key strategies to living consciously in this low-cost, experiential, informational workshop. Come explore some ways that can support […]


Moving From Horrendous to Heroic

The Luma Center 616 Petaluma Blvd N Suite B The Wellness Classroom, Petaluma, CA, United States

Are you curious about how to bring more understanding to your life's journey? Would you appreciate the opportunity to gather more tools in order to go with the flow? You are invited to come deepen into the learning of the 7 key strategies to living consciously in an experiential, informational workshop. Come explore some ways […]


Moving From Horrendous to Heroic – Introduction

Thriving Women in Business Center 3115 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA

Are you curious about how to bring more understanding to your life's journey? Would you appreciate the opportunity to gather more tools in order to go with the flow? You are invited to come deepen into the learning of the 7 key strategies to living consciously in an experiential, informational workshop. Come explore some ways […]


Moving From Horrendous to Heroic – Introduction

Thriving Women in Business Center 3115 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA

Riding the waves of summer with traveling and maybe dealing with camps and kids around all day can really pull at our personal skills. I'm offering an opportunity to be in community, do some personal work and learn some additional skills for navigating this thing called life. Come explore some ways that can support you […]
