Share Your Message through Your Content

shareWhen you write your blog, share your message. Answer the questions your clients ask you all the time. Answer the questions your clients should be asking to understand more about what you do. Your blog gives you the opportunity to have more time to explain what you do, how you’re different, what the experience of working with you will be like. Share information, don’t promote.

Share your message through other people’s content

Social media offers so many opportunities to share other people’s content, but it’s important that you share content that is a reflection of your brand. It’s tempting to just share funny or controversial things, but make sure it’s a reflection of your brand. If your brand is a little edgy, then by all means, share edgy. If your brand is about positivity and motivation, then those are the types of posts you can share from other people’s content in addition to your own.

Inspire your followers with your message of inspiration

I encourage you to share quotes and articles that will inspire and motivate people to take action on your expertise. Make sure whatever you share is in alignment with your values. If everything you share aligns with and reflects your values, then people will “know who you are,” know what to expect from you, know who to refer to you and know if you are the one for them.

Connect with people who reflect your message

Do some research on social media around whom you might connect with. This should be someone who has similar potential clients but offers different services. Hopefully they share content that reflects your values. You share their content, they share yours and everybody wins!