Living Without Regrets

Living Without RegretsHave you chosen to reach for the stars while a living a life full of possibilities and passion or to keep holding on to the railing, by passing your time in the seat of the mundane, thinking about what might have been.

You are responsible for making sure you are served up a full helping in life. No one else can go to the buffet line for you. You won’t get what you want if you let anyone or anything else select the main course of your life.

If you want to have no regrets at the end of your life that means you have to live each day of your life with no regrets. To do that begin a lifestyle of proactive living. This involves doing what you want to do, going where you want to go, and being who you want to be. You know you are living and working without regrets when you are fully engaged, alert, alive, enthusiastic and in action in your life.

What could be possible for you in you were living a proactive life? Would you go back to school and study ballroom dancing or Buddhism, travel through Europe on a bike, risk that new romance, or start a new business?

Where in life are you proactive and where do you need a jolt to get you going?

Follow these tips to create a more proactive lifestyle, where you can squeeze more juice out of everyday:

Commit Yourself to Proactive Living
Right now this is the only life you have. Make an agreement with yourself that you are not going to sit this one out, commit to being a participant, not an observer. Commit yourself to the process of finding and following your dreams, wants and desires.

Identify Proactive People
Make a list of ten people you are acquainted with that you believe live life proactively. These are the people you want to spend time with, collaborate with, pioneer with, and play with.

Jot It Out
Keep a journal for a week and notice when you are feeling the most proactive. Write these things down and then at the end of the week reread your journal and see if there are any common threads or directions that need further investigation.

Try New Things
Make a list of all the things you would like to do. Add to the list everyday. Once a week for six weeks try something new. Living without regrets means trying everything you want to try.

Get Into Action
Once you commit to proactive living, the only thing left to do is get moving, get going. Write out all the big and small action items necessary to get you living your proactive lifestyle. Start small with little steps, and as momentum builds you will find yourself naturally engaging fully in life, naturally not holding back.

As you become more proactive, watch closely as you quickly become a person with no regrets.